On the Horizon: Events and Info from Your United Way

I’m proud to share with you our recent efforts to build strong communities—for today and tomorrow. We’re working hard to foster healthy development of young children, to offer STEM learning opportunities to youth, and to promote the financial stability of all our neighbors.

Partners and donors make it possible. Please consider supporting the work with a donation this Giving Day on February 23rd.


Margo Amgott and the Team from United Way of Coastal Fairfield County

Sparking Healthy Development of Young Children

During the first few years of life, a child’s brain develops quickly.  (More than 1 million new neural connections form every second.)   What fuels the healthy development of the growing brain?  Positive, loving interactions and play between caregiver and child. 

That’s why Bridgeport Prospers is promoting use of the free Sparkler mobile app by parents and caregivers of children 0-5 years.

Photo courtesy of our partners at Connecticut’s Office of Early Childhood

Sparkler offers thousands of fun, off-screen activities developed by early childhood educators to help children learn through play (including The Basics).

Sparkler also helps caregivers track how a child is progressing toward age-appropriate milestones, with a screening tool used widely by parents, teachers, and pediatricians (Ages & Stages Questionnaire).  This tool can help families celebrate development & catch delays.  If parents have questions or concerns, the app can connect them directly to early childhood advisors and care coordinators at 2-1-1 Child Development Infoline for advice and support. 

The Sparkler app is being shared with caregivers at interactive events, led by Bridgeport Prospers’ Manager of Early Childhood Initiatives, Jayson-Ann Johnson.  So far, 70% of the families reached have already registered on Sparkler, and 25% have completed screenings.  The next family event is scheduled for Thursday, February 23rd, 5:30 - 7 pm (see details below).

Evidence shows that the earlier a child’s development is assessed, the greater the chance has to reach his or her potential. By providing tools like the Sparkler app, we help families set up their children for success in school and life.


Who benefits from the VITA free tax assistance supported by United Way? The grandmother on a fixed income—suddenly raising her granddaughter. A couple with a new baby—who lost needed income during pregnancy due to mandated bed rest. A single mom whose college student needs tax forms that allow him to access college financial aid. Last year, more than 2,500 neighbors just like these saved $5.5M through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program.

Overall, they are members of low-to-moderate income households (earning less than $60,000), including the elderly, disabled, and limited-English speakers. VITA filers maximize their tax returns because IRS-certified volunteers are trained to help them claim every deduction they have earned, including important credits--like the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)--which often go unclaimed.

They use their refunds to support their households, paying monthly bills like groceries, utilities, and childcare. They use them to weather unexpected costs like car repairs. They use them to save for their futures.

We’re proud to partner again with the Connecticut Association for Human services to bring this free program to local community organizations near you. It’s part of our work to empower our neighbors to build stronger financial foundations.

Find a location near you at https://uwc.211ct.org/taxhelp, and other resources below.


STEM careers are among the fastest growing and highest paying in the US, but they often less accessible to women, low-income individuals, and students of color. That’s why the Greater Bridgeport STEM Learning Ecosystem (GBSLE) aims to expand learning opportunities and career pathways in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.

Recent activities include the launch of a new academic Esports club, located at Bridgeport Military Academy. (Esports uses team video-gaming as a platform to increase student interest in STEM fields and to develop vital life skills such as teamwork, strategic thinking, and problem solving.) At the kickoff, students learned about careers in the gaming industry as well as their upcoming project to build a computer from scratch. The latest Esports club addition is sponsored by Bridgeport Youth Lacrosse. It joins four partner clubs who are planning a competition for the summer.

The GBSLE also supplied judges for two area Science Fairs, most recently for the Bridgeport Public Schools district fair for students in 7th-12th grades. The judges were deeply inspired by projects from the 25 students who are moving on to the state competition in March at Quinnipiac University. (Among the winners: two eighth graders aiming to prevent coastal erosion without disturbing ecosystems.) Importantly, the GBSLE will also provide $3,000 in scholarship funding to the local Science Fair winners.

And to help promote college enrollment, the ecosystem recently filmed videos on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). These fun, light-hearted videos in English and Spanish (coming soon!) introduce students and parents to a tool for college funding--a key barrier to enrollment, especially for families with moderate incomes and/or first generation college students. (Click HERE to view the FAFSA videos and share!)

Grant Funding Available: Emergency Food and Shelter Program

Life can turn unexpectedly, and our neighbors may need urgent help with food, utilities, or rent/mortgage/shelter. That’s why our United Way serves as facilitator for the local Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP), awarding funds to partners in 11 towns in the Greater Norwalk & Greater Bridgeport areas. Grant applications are now available to community-serving organizations and due Monday, Feb. 27th. Learn more...

Fairfield County’s Final “Giving Day”

Mark your calendars because on 2/23 Fairfield County will come together to support all of the incredible nonprofits in our community for the 10th (and final) annual 24-hour online giving marathon. Please consider sharing our social media posts and/or the images below, and giving back so we make life better for the people in our community. See how…


United Way Announces New Executive Director Of Bridgeport Prospers


Katerina Vlahos has been named Acting Executive Director of Bridgeport Prospers