featured articles & media
United Way Announces New Executive Director Of Bridgeport Prospers
Bridgeport Baby Bundle
Bridgeport Prospers Receives $150K Grant From StriveTogether
County Nonprofits Receive $400,000 in Grants Aimed at Eliminating Educational Disparities
Cross-sector infrastructure creates the foundation for systems change
Major gift to Bridgeport Hospital Foundation will help address postpartum health risks for mothers, babies
Bridgeport Initiative Aims to Break Down STEM Career Barriers
Building back better and to last with the American Rescue Plan Act
Bridgeport Prospers/United Way Highlighted by Pritzker's Children's Initiative
How civic infrastructure is helping Connecticut rebuild
The Road to Recovery is Paved by Civic Infrastructure
Exploring the Roles & Functions of Health Systems within Population Health Integrator Networks
The Bridgeport Baby Bundle: Thinking in Systems, not Programs
Bridgeport has been selected to receive a three-year $250,000 grant from the Pritzker Children’s Initiative
United Way creates ‘safety net’ to improve outcomes for babies in Bridgeport
The Bridgeport Baby Bundle
"Bridgeport for Babies Day" Recognizes United Way Initiative
Bridgeport Prospers - Building a transformational movement